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Gfl GMq538P =Ib - I 900b379 0007673 077 m I Materials and Processes - Procedures I GENERAL MOTORS ENGINEERING STANDARDS WEATHERING EXPOSURE TESTS FOR INTERIOR TRIMS GM9538P conducting natural weathering exposure tests to evaluate the exposure tolerance of interior automotive materials, compo- nents and assemblies. The tests are commonly conducted in climatic regions which offer extreme weathering environments, such as Arizona and Florida. Material and/or Performance Specifications will identify the region. When using this specification, one 1.1 CLASSIFICATION. or more of the following suffixes must be used after the speci- fication number to identify the exposure fixture, i.e., GM9538P U/G-SSTL-XXX, where XXX is defined in SUffiX U/G-SSTL-XXX Description Under Glass - Static Sealed fixture Temperature Limited to a maximum of XXX degrees ( through Under Glass - Tracking Sealed fixture Temperature Limited to a maximum of XXX degrees ( Under Glass - Static Sealed fixture Temperature Limited with a Water tray for added humidity to a maximum of XXX degrees ( Under Glass - Tracking Sealed fixture Temperature Limited with a Water tray for added humidity to a maximum of XXX degrees ( Special test which requires some nonstandard test condition(s) may be used as additional suffix to above test futture designations ( 1 SCOPE. This specification describes procedures for in MJ/m2 with artificial light exposure energies (measured over a very narrow wavelength range) and usually expressed in kJ/ m2. 1.3.4 Seasonally Adjusted Solar Radiation (SASR): Total solar radiation measured under test fixture glazing and adjusted both to relate the various limit temperature fixtures to a common reference temperature and to account for the differ- ence in time spent at the fixture limiting temperature during the various seasons. This allows testing throughout the entire year with comparable results. 1.3.5 L*a*b* Color System: A color measurement system using orthogonal coordinates to describe color. The L* axis is the white-black (light-dark) axis: Large L*-light, Small L*= dark. The a* axis is the red-green axis: +a*-red, -a*=green. The b* axis is the yellow-blue axis: +b*=yellow, -b*=blue. 1.3.6 Delta E (AE): A resultant color change calculated by the equation: AE = (AL*2+Aa*2 + Ab*2)*n 1.3.7 L*C*h” Color System: A color measurement system that converts the L*a*b* rectangular values to L*C*h” cylin- drical polar coordinates. The L* is the same as in the L*a*b* system. The C* vector is the saturation value, distance from the L* (lightness) axis, in the a*b* plane: Large C*=pure color (vivid), Small C*-pastel (pale). C* is calculated by the equa- tion: The h’ value is the rotational distance in the a*b* plane and determines the hue. An h” of 0” = Red, 90” = Yellow, 180” = Green and 270” = Blue. The h’ is calculated by the equation: h”=arctan (b*/a*) 1.3.8 Delta H* (AH*): The computed hue difference between two points in the L*C*h” color space, calculated by the equa- tion: AHe = (AE*2-AL*2-AC*2)“2 1.3.9 Specular Gloss: The ratio, expressed as a percent, of the quantity of light reflected from a surface to the quantity inci- dent on the surface in the specular (mirror reflected) direction. 1.3.10 Degradation definitions and rating scale are shown in Appendix A. U/G-TSTL-XXX U/G-SSTLW-XXX U/G-TSTLW-XXX Special 1.2 APPLICABILITY. Any passenger car, truck, multipur- pose vehicle or bus interior material, component or assembly that has the potential for deterioration in appearance or func- tion when exposed to natural weathering. 1.3 DEFINITIONS. 1.3.1 Total solar radiation: Natural light less than 3000 nm in wavelength. 1.3.2 Ultraviolet (UV) radiation: Natural light less than 400 nm in wavelength. 1.3.3 Langley: A traditional unit of measure for natural light energy defined as 1 gcal/cm2 . A Langley is equivalent to .04184 MJ/m2. NOTE: The Langley is restricted by definition to the expres- sion of natural light energy. The MJ/m2 is a more universally recognized unit of energy measurement. However, for the pur- poses of this specification, it is not appropriate to compare natural light exposure energies (measured over the total solar or the UV radiation wavelength ranges) and usually expressed 2 REFERENCED STANDARDS. ASTM D523 3 TEST EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS. 3.1 TEST FACILITY AND EQUIPMENT. 3.1.1 Test Facility. GM Desert Proving Ground Solar Exposure Laboratory or equivalent. The approved laboratories 0 Copylight JANUARY 1996 General Motors Corporation All Rights Resemc Copyright General Motors North America Provided by IHS under license with GM

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9538P --``,`,``,`,,`,,`,,`,,,`,,``,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---I GENERAL MOTORS ENGINEERING STANDARDS I Materials and Processes - Procedures I WEATHERING EXPOSURE TESTS FOR INTERIOR TRIMS GM9538P to run this test are listed in the GM Approved Source file under this specification number. Use sealed fixtures described in through for U/G-TSTL-XXX, but inclined at 51” from hori- 3.1.2 Test Fixtures. Test fixtures should be mounted on racks zontal and supported on solar azimuth tracking bases which which have adjustable supports such that exposures can be cause the fixtures to face the sun during daylight hours. conducted at nonstandard angles (other than 45” or 51” from horizontal) if requested for development tests. The racks Use sealed fixtures described in through should be located and spaced for U/G-SSTLW-XXX, but also equipped with a ficantly affected by shading or reflected radiation from another such that no test fixture is signi- water tray to increase humidity inside the fixture. The tray fixture or other object during daylight hours. should provide a water surface area of 910 cm2 & 110 cm* and be located along the front edge of the fixture within 100 mm For U/G-SSTL-XXX, use sealed test fixtures glazed of the glass. This fixture will typically provide relative humid- with 3 mm clear tempered glass or 5.8 mm clear laminated ity between 35 f 5% at the heat of the day and 85 f 5% at the glass (as specified on the test request form [Data Sheet 21 and coolest part of the day. based on the intended usage location in the vehicle) for expos- ing automotive interior test samples. These fixtures should be Use sealed fixtures described in for UIG- inclined at 45” from horizontal; face the equator (south); and TSTLW-XXX, but also equipped with a water tray to increase have sufficient interior volume to accommodate full assemblies humidity inside the fixture as described in such as instrument panels, consoles, door panels, and seat assemblies. This temperature limiting fixture, including black Special test fixtures or test conditions such as eleva- panel and water tray details are shown in Appendix G. tion angles other than 45” or 51” to horizontal, nonstandard glazing, or samples not parallel to glass can also be conducted The fixtures should be equipped with a recirculat- but differences should be accurately noted. These special tests ing, thermostatically controlled blower to prevent the could include static soak vehicles and bucks for real time temperature from exceeding the specified maximum value exposure of the whole vehicle or components and assemblies (XXX). The available temperature limits should be 85, 93, that will not fit in a test fixture; a headliner, for example. 102, or 110°C. The limit temperature is measured on the back Vehicles and bucks normally face south but may be faced in surface of a reference black panel. The black panel must be any direction to accommodate the test objectives. constructed of 0.61 mm thick (24 gage) sheet steel with dimensions of 100 x 125 mm, primed with Krylon #1357 and NOTE: Vehicles and bucks must have design-representative painted with Krylon #1614 black high heat spray paint. The insulation and body air leakage, along with a full complement panel must be mounted on 13 mm thick plywood, also painted of interior components if realistic vehicle interior temperatures black, whose dimensions are at least 110 x 135 mm with a are to be attained. machined recess to allow space for the temperature sensor and 3.1.3 Record keeping system with the capability to accommo- its lead wire on the back of the black panel. The black panel date necessary test sample records, signal events such as must be fastened to the plywood with small screws near the inspections, color measurements or sample removals, and comers of the panel. A thermocouple must be fastened to the assist in generating reports. back of the black panel adjacent to the temperature sensor for monitoring purposes. The response of the temperature sensor 3.1.4 A camera and color film for recording different types of must be such that its output does not lag the thermocouple by degradation. more than 2°C. 3.1.5 Instrumentation. The air recirculation system must be designed so that a uniform flow of fixture interior air is directed across the Pyranometers mounted at test fixture angle under test black panel and the irradiated test sample surface from the rear fixture type glass capable of sensing incident solar radiation in toward the front of the fixture. The control system should turn 295 to 2800 nm wave length range, and recording and data the circulation on at the limit temperature and off at 3°C below reduction equipment capable of providing hourly radiations the limit temperature. It is suggested that tangential inlet cen- and integrating over time to provide accumulated solar energy. trifugal fans arranged end-to-end be used to supply the recirculated air flow. Ultraviolet radiometers mounted at test fixture angle under test fixture type glass capable of sensing incident radia- For 102 and 110°C temperature limit operation, all tion in the 295 to 385 nm wavelength range, and recording and interior fixture surfaces below the fixture lid must be insulated data reduction equipment capable of providing hourly radia- with foil-faced insulating sheets tions and integrating over time to provide accumulated solar and 6. The fixture bottom and front insulation sheets must be with an R value of between 5 energy. This instrumentation must be stationary or azimuth removed for the 85 and 93°C temperature limit operation, leav- tracking to match the test condition, ing the back and end insulation sheets in place, NOTE: The fixture described in must be equipped Ambient air temperature measuring equipment capa- with over temperature protection in case of control system, ble of providing hourly temperatures. blower, or power failure. This protection must activate at less than 6°C above the limit temperature. Ambient humidity measuring equipment capable of providing hourly humidities. 0 Copyright JANUARY 1996 General Motors Corporation All RigMs Reserved --``,`,``,`,,`,,`,,`,,,`,,``,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

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GM GM9538P 9b - 9006379 0007673 94T - I GENERAL MOTORS ENGINEERING STANDARDS I Materials and Processes - Procedures I WEATHERING EXPOSURE TESTS FOR INTERIOR TRIMS GM9538P Colorimeter or sphere geometry spectrophotometer to Small material samples may be mounted on 13 mm measure reflected subject color in the CIELAB color space (l/2”) plywood. Cover the plywood with card stock to shield using illuminant D65, either 2” or 10” observer and including the test materials from plywood exudation. Suitable card the specular reflectance component. stocks are Franklin, Grain long-felt side up, 1101500 white NOTE: The color measurement instrument must be capable of index Stock #06506 made by Union Company, or #9016 measuring the color on whole components. White Bristol Card Stock. Glossmeter capable of measuring the specular gloss 4.1.3 If sample temperature measurements are requested, on test sample surfaces in accordance with ASTM D523. install thermocouples on the test sample. Thermocouples on soft skin/filler laminates (such as vinyl/foam or cloth/foam) AATCC Gray Scale available from AATCC, PO. Box should be installed at the skin tiller interface unless requested 12215, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709. otherwise. Pierce the skin and insert the thermocouple at least Thermocouples and associated recording and data tion is embedded at the skin/filler interface. 13 mm and parallel to the surface, making sure that the junc- reduction equipment capable of providing temperature infor- mation on black panels and test samples on an hourly basis. All other thermocouples should be installed on the test sample surface with a small bead of gray opaque high tem- NOTE: All instrumentation is to be calibrated as required; perature adhesive such as epoxy. Care must be exercised to record instrumentation details and date of calibration on Data assure that the thermocouple junction is in contact with the Sheet 1 unless the information is otherwise preserved in the sample surface and covered by the adhesive. The adhesive testing laboratory records. bead should be the minimum size that will securely attach the 3.2 TEST MATERIALS. thermocouple to the surface. 3.2.1 Test samples will be furnished by the exposure facility 4.1.4 If color measurements are requested, mark color mea- customer (test requester) and may be in the form of a basic surement locations on the test sample with a permanent material sample, component, assembly, buck or complete vehi- marker. Make initial color measurements on the test sample cle. and record the results on a color data sheet, Data Sheet 3. For similar samples, make color measurements in the same loca- 3.2.2 Test samples should be accompanied by other materials tion on each sample. necessary to accomplish the test objectives. Examples include a small sample of the test material to be used as a color refer- 4.1.5 If gloss measurements are requested, they should be ence or a mounting frame that has correct attaching and made as close to the color measurement location as possible. support points for a component or assembly. Mark the 0” position and make four initial gloss measurements at 90” clockwise to each other on the test sample and record NOTE: Masking a portion of the test sample to produce an the results on gloss data sheet, Data Sheet 4. unexposed area is not recommended since the masked area would experience high temperatures. It is mandatory that tex- NOTE: This is a departure from ASTM D523 to accommo- tile test samples be accompanied by comparison samples if the date directional differences in gloss of textured surfaces typical Gray Scale evaluation is requested. Store comparison samples of vehicle interior components. in a cool, dark environment when not in use. 4.2 TEST. 3.2.3 The test request form, Data Sheet 2, for describing the test sample and stating the type of test, test duration, measure- 4.2.1 For all sealed fixture tests. ments, inspections and reporting requirements should be transmitted in time to arrive at the test facility Install the correct glass on the test fixture. --``,`,``,`,,`,,`,,`,,,`,,``,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---same time as the test sample. at about the Install a 19 mm exterior grade plywood sample shelf in the test fixture, if necessary, for proper elevation of the test 4 TEST PROCEDURE. sample. 4.1 TEST PREPARATION. Secure the test sample or its mounting frame to the 4.1.1 Inspect the test sample for shipping damage or other sample shelf or the floor of the test fixture. Mount the test defects. Note any discrepancies in the Comments section of sample surface of major interest or that would be exposed to Data Sheet 2. Notify the test requester of any significant ship- the most radiation in a vehicle parallel to the glass and 50 to ping damage or defects either by a telephone call or a written 100 mm below the glass, unless the component performance report or both. specification dictates a different mounting position. Mount the test sample at least 150 mm from the east or west ends of the 4.1.2 Assemble any supplied mounting frame or hardware fixture and at least 100 mm from the north or south sides of and attach the test sample to it. If mounting apparatus is not the fixture. supplied, procure or fabricate any hardware necessary to prop- NOTE: Small samples such as material plaques, door arm erly orient and support the test sample in the test fixture. rests, mirrors, some garnish moldings, etc. should be tested in 0 Copyright JANUARY 1996 General Motors Corporation All Rights Reserved Copyright General Motors North America JANUARY 1996 PAGE 3 9538P Provided by IHS under license with GM

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GM GM953BP ‘lb M 7Oob379 0007674 8Bb m I GENERAL MOTORS ENGINEERING STANDARDS I Materials and Processes - Procedures WEATHERING EXPOSURE TESTS FOR INTERIOR TRIMS GM9538P the upper l/2 of the same area or be mounted on rotatable the shelf and the front of the box. The black panel must not be boards and placed in the upper 2/3 of the sample area. In the shaded by the curtain cover at solar noon. latter case, the boards should be rotated 180” in the sample plane at the midpoint of color measurement intervals or some The black panel temperature must be recorded at least once per other appropriate interval so that temperature stratification hour during future operation, and the record should be exam- effects are minimized for each sample. ined daily to detect any temperature limiting system abnormalities. This record should be preserved, and if Position the air system outlet scroll the same distance requested supplied to the requester. below the glass as the test sample surface. Record the installation time and date and fixture ID Position the black panel in the air stream in the same number in the appropriate spaces and note the thermocouple plane as the test sample surface and air system outlet scroll and recorder channel numbers on the test request form, Data Sheet to the rear of the test sample and toward the west end of the 2. tixture (essentially in the northwest corner of the test sample area as defined in when the fixture is facing south). Enter the appropriate test sample information into the Connect the temperature sensor lead wires to the temperature sample record keeping system. controller and set the controller to the specified limit tempera- NOTE: Fixture test durations will be measured in terms of ture. Connect the black panel monitoring thermocouple to the SASR unless specified otherwise on Data Sheet 2. recorder. Cycle the fixture over temperature protection curtain to assure proper function. Make sure the correct insulation as SASR is calculated by multiplying the measured total solar discussed in is installed in the fixture for the speci- radiation, in Langleys, by the adjustment factor, as listed tied limit temperature. below, for the fixture utilized (with temperature limit) and the month, i.e., for a U/G-TSTL-110 test in June the adjustment NOTE: The metal portion of the black panel must not be in factor is 1.50. For testing in Arizona use the factors in Table 1 contact with anything except its plywood backing; the black which are based on data measured at the GM Desert Proving panel assembly must be fastened in place only by its plywood Grounds in Mesa, AZ and account for seasonal climatic and mounting. Make sure the sample shelf is sized and positioned atmospheric conditions to allow air flow across the test sample surface, down the front The factors in Table 2 are based on measured data in Miami, of the fixture, across the fixture floor and back to the fan inlet. FL and account for seasonal climatic and atmospheric condi- This requires at least a 75 mm gap between the front edge of tions. They should be used when testing in Florida. TABLE I- ARIZONA SASR FACTORS Auis 0.61 0.79 0.96 1.21 0.64 0.83 1.09 1.44 SeP 0.63 0.82 1.04 1.29 0.65 0.87 1.14 1.48 Ott 0.62 0.82 1.06 1.28 0.65 0.87 1.12 1.38 Nov 0.59 0.78 1.01 1.20 0.62 0.82 1.06 1.28 DeC 0.52 0.68 0.88 1.00 0.56 0.70 0.91 1.09 Q Copyright JANUARY 1998 ‘Send Motors Corporation All Rights Raswved Copyright General Motors North America Provided by IHS under license with GM

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---`,,`,`,,`,,`-`-,,,``,,`,,,`,,`,,`,,`,``,`,``--GM GM9538P 96 - 900b379 0007675 712 - I Materials and Processes - Procedures I I GENERAL MOTORS ENGINEERING STANDARDS WEATHERING EXPOSURE TESTS FOR INTERIOR TRIMS GM9538P TABLE 2 - FLORIDA SASR FACTORS Month Jan Feb Mar Am 85°C 0.53 0.56 0.55 0.55 Static Fixture 93°C 102°C 0.67 0.83 0.71 0.88 0.70 0.86 0.69 0.86 110°C 0.94 1.00 0.97 0.97 Perform visual inspections of the test sample periodi- cally as specified by the test requester. Issue reports at the specified reporting interval. Perform visual inspections in natural light. Using the Exposure Test Report form (Data Sheet 5) as a data recording form, visually inspect the test sample and record all applicable changes using the definitions contained in the Appendix. If necessary for clarity, add a verbal description of the changes in the Comments section at the bottom of Data Sheet 5. Include observations regarding the percent of surface area affected by the changes, if appropriate. Also include com- ments about changes that may not be covered by the definitions in the Appendix A. NOTE: The ratings are with respect to the as-received condi- tion, not with respect to the condition at the previous inspection. Rating example: A rating of DC-8 means the test sample exhibited trace discoloration. Photograph or video tape significant test sample changes if needed for illustrative purposes. Send the latest copy of Data Sheet 5 to the test requester at the specified report interval. Include any photo- graphs or other documentation that would be helpful in interpreting the report. NOTE: If significant changes have occurred to the test sample since the last report, and a periodically scheduled report is not due, promptly notify the test requester of the changes either by a telephone call or a written report or both. Label the written report as an Incident Report. 4.2.5 Color and Gloss Measurements. Perform color and gloss measurements at the interval specified on Data Sheet 2. The test sample surface must be clean before measur- ing color or gloss. If necessary, remove foreign material such as dust or lint from the test sample surface by brushing with a soft bristled brush or by wiping with a damp colorfast cloth, whichever is appropriate. The test sample surface must be thoroughly dry before measurements are made. NOTE: Do not remove any effect of a degradation process - chalking, for example - during the cleaning process unless specified otherwise on Data Sheet 2. If measurements are to be made outdoors with porta- ble meters, allow the instruments to stabilize at the outdoor temperature before use. Calibrate the color meter against its standard calibra- tion panel. Measure the test sample color, calculate and record A L*, Aa*, Ab* and AE on Data Sheet 3 (if color measure- ments in the L*C*h” color system are required, they can be calculated from the L*a*b* values using the formulae in 1.3.7 and 1.3.8). Record accumulated SASR, total and UV radiations in the spaces provided. Record the highest observed sample Copyright General Motors North America Provided by IHS under license with GM

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--``,`,``,`,,`,,`,,`,,,`,,``,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---Ott Nov De% 1 0.54 0.52 0.51 1 0.69 0.67 0.65 1 0.85 0.82 0.80 1 0.96 0.93 0.91 Notify the test requester, by either a telephone call or a written report or both, of the test start date along with a con- firmation of test samples and test conditions. 4.2.2 Starting the vehicle or buck test. Orient the vehicle or buck as directed by the test request. If a component test, install the component in the vehi- cle or buck using design intent mounting points and hardware. Connect thermocouples, if any, to the recorder. Make sure all windows are rolled up tight and close the doors. Perform the appropriate tasks specified in the follow- ing: through NOTE: Vehicle or buck test durations will be measured in terms of total solar radiation under clear tempered glass inclined at 45” to horizontal facing south unless specified otherwise on the test request. 4.2.3 Glass Cleaning. The test fixture glass should be cleaned inside and outside once per month or as needed. Care must be exercised to avoid getting cleaning solution on the test samples. The exteriors of static soak test vehicles should be cleaned monthly with a spray of clean water. Remove water droplets to prevent water spotting if not using deionized water. Windows should be cleaned inside and outside with GM Glass Cleaner (PN1050427), being careful not to get any cleaner on test sample surfaces. 4.2.4 Inspections and Reports. 0 Copyright JANUARY 19% Generai Motors Corporation All RigMs Reserved JANUARY 1996 Licensee=Nexteer Automotive/5943248100 Not for Resale, 09/20/2010 07:26:30 MDT

PAGE 5 9538P GM GN953AP 96 m =jOOb37q 0007b7l, 657 W I GENERAL MOTORS ENGINEERING STANDARDS I Materials and Processes - Procedures I WEATHERING EXPOSURE TESTS FOR INTERIOR TRIMS GM9538P temperature during the color measurement interval, if instru- mented with a thermocouple. Forward the final inspection report, Data Sheet 5, color and gloss data sheets, Data Sheets 3 and 4, photographs, Calibrate the glossmeter against its standard calibra- and any other supporting documentation to the test requester. tion panel. Make four gloss measurements at 90” to each other on the test sample and record on Data Sheet 4. Average the Return the completed test sample(s) to the shipping readings and record. Calculate and record Delta gloss. Record address specified on the test request. accumulated SASR, total solar and UV radiations in the spaces provided. Record the highest observed sample temperature 5 DATA SHEETS. Data Sheets may be found as during the gloss measurement interval, if instrumented with Appendices B 1 F. The use of Data Sheets specified in the thermocouples. Procedure is optional. The substitution of data forms that pro- 4.2.6 Test Sample Temperature Reports. vide equivalent information is acceptable. Unless requested to do otherwise, select 4 or 5 days during a month (approximately 1 day per week) to provide test als, operations and equipment. This method does not propose 6 SAFETY. This method may involve hazardous materi- sample temperature reports. Base the selections on a few repre- to address all the safety problems associated with its use. It is sentative thermocouples and a review of solar radiation data. the responsibility of the user of this method to establish appro- The selection criteria for good days are: 1) highest or near priate highest temperatures for a majority of the thermocouples dur- applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. safety and health practices and determine the ing the time period, and 2) solar radiation uninterrupted by clouds or as cloud-free as possible. 4.2.7 Completing the Test. nated by CPC in October 1989. The latest revision by the 7 GENERAL INFORMATION. This standard was origi- Each working day check the record keeping system Solar Exposure Advisory Committee are: for test samples that are due to be removed from test. Remove completed test samples from their test fixtures and perform Rev final inspections and color and gloss measurements if required. Date Description Div On textiles, perform Gray Scale evaluations of fade and color A 3/92 Complete Revision SEAC shift and record the results on Data Sheet 3. B l/95 Complete Revision SETDG 0 Copyright JANUARY 1% Gene-d Motors Cwporatim All Rights Reserved Copyright General Motors North America Provided by IHS under license with GM

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---`,,`,`,,`,,`-`-,,,``,,`,,,`,,`,,`,,`,``,`,``--GM GN9538P 96 - 900b379 0007677 595 - I Materials and Processes - Procedures I I Al GENERAL MOTORS ENGINEERING STANDARDS APPENDIX A DEGRADATION DEFINITIONS AND RATING SCALE DEGRADATIONS DEFINITIONS. Al.1 BLISTER (BL). Discrete raised area on the surface of a specimen resembling a blister on human skin. May be caused by substrate corrosion under a coating, or by an underlying foam irregularity on a vinyl or cloth skin. Al.2 BRIDGING (BR). Loss in definition of a design fea- ture due to the separation of the skin and filler in a concave area. Al.3 CELLULITE (CL). Irregularities appearing on a sur- face characterized by shallow random lumpiness over a generally continuous area. Al.4 CHALK (CH). Removable powder, usually light col- ored, resulting from the degradation of the surface coating. Al.5 CHECKS (CK). Small breaks in a surface layer that do not penetrate to the underlying substrate. Al.6 CRACKS (CR). Breaks extending through the surface layer of a composite or laminate so that the underlying layer is visible, or completely through a one-layer specimen. Cracking may be an advanced form of checking. Al.7 CRAZING (CZ). A network of checks and/or cracks appearing on a surface. Al.8 DARKENING (DK). Perceived as either an on-color increase in color intensity or a color change toward black. (Usually a decrease in L*.) Al.9 DISCOLORATION (DC). Color change from the orig- inal. (Change in either a* or b* or both.) Al .lO EXPANDED (EP). Longer in at least one dimension than the as-received condition. Al .ll EXUDATION (ED). Glossy and/or sticky material on the surface or skin of a test sample. in color intensity. (Pri- Al.12 FADE (F). On-color decrease marily an increase in L*.) Al.13 GLOSS CHANGE (GC). Change in reflective index of a surface. Al .14 PINHOLE (PH). Hole or opening, less than 0.5 mm in diameter, through the skin of a component. Al.15 POPPING (PP). Broken blisters in the coating of a painted or clear coated surface. Al.16 RUST (R). Corrosion appearing on the surface of a painted steel component. Al.17 SEPARATION (SP). Delamination of material layers in a laminate, partial detachment of parts in a bonded assembly or splitting into thin layers in a similar material. Al.18 SHRUNK (SH). Shorter in at least one dimension than the as-received condition. Al.19 TIGER STRIPES (TS). Apparent parallel stripes seen on a skin surface. Al.20 VOID (V). Perceived as a sunken area in the skin of a skin/foam laminate which corresponds to an area absent of foam. Al.21 WARP (W). Change in basic shape, as opposed to a surface irregularity. Al.22 YELLOWING (Y). Color change toward yellow. Perceived as having a yellowish hue. (Increase in b*.) NOTE: The noun form of degradations is shown in most cases in Appendix A for ease in defining terms. The past tense verb form is used where applicable on Data Sheet 5. This is done to indicate that the condition has occurred (past tense) at the time the sample is inspected, and to avoid the implication or predic- tion that the degradation is on-going. A2 DEGRADATION RATING SCALE. Rating 8 6 4 2 Blank Description Trace Moderate Annoying Severe No change or N/A Definition Detectable with careful examination. Noticeable with a casual examination. Very obvious change. Massive change. As-received condition; no change. 0 Copyfight JANUARY 1996 General Motors Corpcratim Al Flights Resecved Copyright General Motors North America Provided by IHS under license with GM

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9538P - GM GN953BP 96 m qOOb37=J 0007678 Y2l1 - I GENERAL MOTORS ENGINEERING STANDARDS I Materlals and Processes - Procedures I APPENDIX 6 DATA SHEET 1 - INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION DATA 0 Copyright JANUARY 1996 Gemal Motors Corporation All Rights Reserved 9538P PAGE 8 JANUARY 1996 Copyright General Motors North America Provided by IHS under license with GM

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- ---`,,`,`,,`,,`-`-,,,``,,`,,,`,,`,,`,,`,``,`,``--GM GN9538P 96 M 9006379 0007679 368 - --``,`,``,`,,`,,`,,`,,,`,,``,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---I GENERAL MOTORS ENGINEERING STANDARDS I Materials and Processes - Procedures I APPENDIX C DATA SHEET 2 - EXPOSURE TEST REQUEST REQUESTER INFORMATION: Date Requester Test Request No. Phone Group MC Mail Address TEST SAMPLE INFORMATION: Part Sample Duration No. ID Supplier Description (See Note) Note: Radiation Unit May Be Either SASR (Langleys or MJ/m2 - Please Specify) Application (Nameplate / Platform): Test Sample Level: 0 Production 0 Prototype q Development 0 Experimental TEST SAMPLE SPECIFICATION: Test Type Limit Temperature Timinq Method Test Glass 0 U/G-SSTL •I 8SC 0 SASR 0 Laminated 0 U/G-TSTL 0 93’c q MJ/m’ 0 Tempered q U/G-SSTLW q 102’c Cl uv 0 U/G-TSTLW 0 11o’c 0 Calendar Cl Special (specify): TEST SERVICES: Inspections: 0 Weekly 0 Z/Month 0 Monthly 0 Other: Reports: 0 Weekly 0 2/Month 0 Monthly 0 Other: Color: Cl Weekly 0 2/Month Cl Monthly 0 Other: Gloss: 0 Weekly 0 2/Month 0 Monthly 0 Other: 0 Thermocouple Locations: At End of Test Return To: Phone: Shipping Address: TEST FACILITY USE ONLY: Test No.: Test Materiol Received Dote: Test Start Date: Rack No.: Test Stop Date: Total Radiation: UV Radiation; T/C No. Lot. T/C No. Lot. T/C No. Lot. T/C No. Lot. 953&OCl(3/95) 0 CopylfgM JANUARY 19% General Motors Corporatiwl Al Rights Resemd Copyright General Motors North America Provided by IHS under license with GM

JANUARY 1996 PAGE 9 Licensee=Nexteer Automotive/5943248100

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GM GM9538P 76 M =JOOb37q 0007baO O&T W 1 GENERAL MOTORS ENGINEERING STANDARDS 1 Materials and Processes - Procedures 1 APPENDIX D DATA SHEET 3 - COLOR MEASUREMENTS Test No: Sample ID: Test Start Date: Description: Rack No: Color Meter No: Initial Color: L* a* or C* b* or h Final Color: Gray Scale *Comment Code: 1. Test sample warped; unable to obtain accurate color measurement. 2. Obvious surface chalking. 3. 4. Q Copyright JANUARY 1996 Gene-d Motors Corporatim All Rights Reserved Copyright General Motors North America Provided by IHS under license with GM

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---`,,`,`,,`,,`-`-,,,``,,`,,,`,,`,,`,,`,``,`,``--GM GM9538P 96 m 9006379 0007bAL TLb - 1 GENERAL MOTORS ENGINEERING STANDARDS 1 Materials and Processes - Procedures 1 APPENDIX E DATA SHEET 4 - GLOSS MEASUREMENTS Test No: Sample ID: Test Start Date: Description: Rack No: Gloss Meter No: Initial Gloss: 0” 90 180’ 270 Avg. *Comment Code: 1. Test sample warped; unable to obtain accurate gloss measurement. 2. Obvious surface chalking. 3. 4. Q Copyright JANUARY 1986 General Motors COfpOratlcm All Rights Rese.fved --``,`,``,`,,`,,`,,`,,,`,,``,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

Copyright General Motors North America Provided by IHS under license with GM

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GM GM9538P 9b m qOOb37q 0007b82 952 - I I GENERAL MOTORS ENGINEERING STANDARDS I Materials and Processes - Procedures APPENDIX F DATA SHEET 5 - EXPOSURE TEST REPORT To Requester: Rack No: Test No: Description: Solar Radiation To Date: Total: Inspection Date: Glass ‘Qpe Test Start Date: SASR: Uv: Rating Scale 8 - Trace 6 - Moderate 4 - Annoying 2 - Severe Blank - No change of not applicable BL - Blister BR - Bridging CH - Chalk CK - Checks CL - Cellulite CR - Cracks CZ - Crazing DK - Darkening Degradation Legend DC - Discoloration ED - Exudation EP - Expanded F-Fade GC - Gloss Change PH - Pinhole PP - Popping R - Rust SH - Shrunk SP - Separation TS - Tiger Stripes V - Void w-warp Y - Yellowing I Comments: Inspected By: CD cOpyrl@t JANUARY 1996 Gmd --``,`,``,`,,`,,`,,`,,,`,,``,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

Motors Cotporaticm All Rights Reserved Copyright General Motors North America Provided by IHS under license with GM

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JANUARY 1996 GM GM9538P 96 D 9006379 0007b84 725 m I GENERAL MOTORS ENGINEERING STANDARDS I Materials and Processes - Procedures I FIXTURES GM9538P All dimensions ore in mm except OS noted 95384G2(10/95) FIGURE 2 - BLACK PANEL AND BASE 0 Cqytght JANUAFW 1996 Genwa! Motws Corporation All FtQhts Reserved Copyright General Motors North America

9538P Provided by IHS under license with GM

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---`,,`,`,,`,,`-`-,,,``,,`,,,`,,`,,`,,`,``,`,``--GM GMq538P 96 - I 9OOb379 0007685 bbl M I Materials and Processes - Procedures I GENERAL MOTORS ENGINEERING STANDARDS FIXTURES GM9538P b . JFL-- - I ” 1’ 7 ; . . . 1 . - All dimensions are in mm except OS noted 9538-OG3( 1 O/95) FIGURE 3 - ASSEMBLY SEALED TEST FIXTURE WITH RECIRCULATING BLOWER 6 Copyright JANUARY 1996 Generti Motors Corporation All flights Reserved Copyright General Motors North America

Provided by IHS under license with GM

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9538P --``,`,``,`,,`,,`,,`,,,`,,``,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

